Dear agriculture & forestry professionals,
Do you believe that making key information and knowledge about the latest innovations in agriculture / forestry more easily findable and accessible could benefit you, or others you know working in these sectors? If so, then we are excited to tell you about the EUREKA project, and we would be very grateful for a few minutes of your time to help us in this effort!
EUREKA is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme that aims to build an EU-level Agricultural Knowledge Repository to ensure that all those working in the industry have easy access to the best, most up-to-date information in the farming and forestry sectors. The main goal is to promote knowledge sharing and communication that will stimulate agricultural innovation across Europe.
To make this online Knowledge Repository relevant and useful to you the end users, EUREKA is conducting a survey to better understand your needs and preferences when searching for relevant information, both online and through other communication channels. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and you have a chance to win a € 25 gift card to Amazon or, OR to donate this amount to an organization of your choice (through or The closing date for completing the survey is Wednesday the 30th of September.
To take the survey, please follow one of the links below (depending on your preferred language):
A) Survey option 1:
(English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish)
B) Survey option 2:
(English, Bulgarian, Estonian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovenian)
If you’d like to sign up for our newsletter to keep up with the latest, please fill in your email at the end of the survey, or sign up here.
Thank you very much for your time. EUREKA wishes you all a safe and enjoyable late summer, even in these challenging times!