Conceptual and analytical framework, aiming to initiate the national innovation hubs, develop the analytical framework of the 18 case studies and harmonize data acquisition.
WP Leader: ACTIA
Conceptual and analytical framework, aiming to initiate the national innovation hubs, develop the analytical framework of the 18 case studies and harmonize data acquisition.
WP Leader: ACTIA
Technological and non-technological innovations, aiming to characterise and quantify the available technological and non-technological practical solutions for short food supply chains.
WP Leader: CBHU
Social innovations, aiming to develop, apply and validate a new method for measuring social innovation in short food supply chains taking into account the engagement of society and consumer acceptance.
WP Leader: UOC
Food-related consumer behaviours, aiming to analyse the overall value perceptions of consumers with regard to short food supply chains undertaking value-based and consumer behavioural segmentation studies.
WP Leader: EUFIC
Integrative sustainability assessment, aiming to assess environmental, economic sustainability of the impacts arising from short food supply chains.
WP Leader: WBF
Innovation platform, aiming to create and implement a Joint Stakeholder Platform that facilitates knowledge, innovative practical solutions and know-how transfer.
WP Leader: IFA
Business and policy recommendations, aiming to propose better ways of utilising innovative solutions in short food supply chains and develop robust new business models.
WP Leader: AZTI
Dissemination, exploitation and communication, aiming to maximise the impact of the project’s results through effective know-how transfer to a wide range of relevant audiences.
Project management and coordination, aiming to monitor the performance of project’s activities including administrational, financial and scientific project management.
WP Leader: UHOH
Aiming to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.