Food Trails is a four-year EU-funded Horizon 2020 project aiming to translate in Europe the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact’s collective commitment to integrated urban food policies into measurable and long-term progress towards sustainable food systems. 11 European cities, with universities and stakeholders, will co-design pilot actions as leverage points for FOOD 2030 urban food policies development, involving also 21 worldwide follower cities.
The Food Trails project will organise several political debates (“The role of cities for fair food systems”) on how cities can change our food systems and provide European citizens with affordable, safe and nutritious food. These debates consist in 30 minutes conversations with EC officials, EP members and experts on the project will enable the shared design of 11 pilot activities in participating cities in order to better co-create urban food policy. The goal is to make the farm-to-fork journey sustainable and to empower communities, promote a zero-waste use of resources, promote environmentally friendly behaviour change and ensure people have healthy and secure diets. The events will be the 27th of April, the 05th of May, and the 06th of May.
Information and registrations, here