PIC 2021 – Digital Edition: Building Demonstrative Capacity in Plant Production (30th June – 2nd July, 2021)

The annual PIC Meeting is the most important Cluster Event in the plant production industry in Europe. It aims at fostering innovation in plant production and at building a common agenda to support the international development of Plant clusters and their members. Leading Italian and European regions for agriculture production and innovation, Emilia-Romagna’s Agrifood Clust-ER…

New schemes supporting food safety and consumers in Europe: a voice from the FoodSafety4EU platform (Online event, 25th June, 2021)

In the frame of the 6th ISEKI International Conference, the H2020 FoodSafety4EU project is organising a free online workshop (25th June, 2021). This event is intended as an interactive discusssion on the impact of the new provisions of the Transparency Regulation calling for an integrated framework for risk communication by EU food safety risk assessors…